Wednesday, October 12, 2011

CFS rears its ugly head

Just over 3 weeks until the wedding and I finally realized that I have been going through a relapse of chronic fatigue syndrome, the worst I have had in a few years. This was probably triggered by the chaotic move in May and I just can't seem to shake it. It is bad this time and I am just hoping I can manage the wedding okay.

For those of you who don't have chronic fatigue syndrome, it isn't treatable and is just a miserable state of being. I sleep 15 hours a day and am still so exhausted that I am pretty much on bedrest the rest of the time. I do manage to spend the time in an easy chair instead of a bed, but you get the idea. Just the thought of doing anything is exhausting and actually doing it can knock the wind out of you making it difficult to get through the rest of the day. Showering is more of a luxury than anything else and I depend on my partner for meal preparation most of the time. Exercise makes things worse, so it really comes down to trying to balance how much energy you have to expend so you don't overdo it and make things worse.

I do try to knit a bit some nights, and I cross stitch when I can. This typical type A personality just can't seem to sit and vegitate in front of the t.v. all the time :) I have had episodes that go on typically for months and then I start feeling better. That is, as long as I remember to rest during the episode and let my body get its energy resources back.

Thankfully, I have a very good friend planning the wedding for me, so that stress isn't an issue. The only thing I need to do is get my dress hemmed and pick up some shoes. I can't believe that it seemed like yesterday that November 5th felt so far away, and now it is just around the corner. Yikes!

1 comment:

  1. just to let you know that I understand. I have similar health problems and am learning each day to deal with them. Not always easy. I too detest the limitations my disease puts on me more than I do the pain. I am taking Gabapentin on top of all the other drugs and this has made a huge difference to my sleeping. I am sleeping for the first time in years. pain always woke me evry hour or so!
